Weirdly Wonderful Gypsy Girl


The Evolution of Taylor Swift

Until I downloaded “1989” I really didn’t appreciate Taylor Swift. My brain had stored her as “the really tall country singer girl who started making pop music and I think it pissed everyone off.” I am ashamed to say I pigeon-holed her. But one day I got Shake it Off stuck in my head, so

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Conscious Creative Consumption

Conscious Creative Consumption

Once upon a time in a galaxy far far away, I wrote songs and sang in a band. You can find some of the stuff we recorded on my website for download btw. Anyhoo, this kind of brings me to the point of this whole rant. You can’t find that shit on iTunes or Spotify

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Poppies in 2020

I am having so many feelings and thoughts today, ANZAC Day 2020. Phew. If you are reading this from overseas, the 25th of April is the day we in Australia and New Zealand commemorate the landing of Gallipoli. ANZAC – Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. Separate to Remembrance Day where we honour our servicemen

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10 Songs That Make Me Really Happy

When I was setting up this blog, this came up as a generic blog post suggestion. But ya know what – yeh – imma tell you some songs that make me feel really fucking happy! I want to preface this post a little bit and tell you all I sing and play guitar and back

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Weird Things

Six Weird Things Grown Ups Do

Okay there is clearly a whole bunch of weird shit that we do as grown ups but I haven’t got time to write a feeken thesis so this is what you’re going to get. On a serious note, as a white female in a capitalist democratic society there are “constructs” I live inside of that,

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