About Girl Search Gypsy

Coaching and Training

Kerrie is a qualified trainer and has extensive experience designing and mapping training from the ground up. She can provide informal in-house training; designing and targeting the training to suit your needs. She has provided internal training for various organisations for a variety of things from Burn Planning, Staff Induction, and Using New Software, to on the job practical training in administration and operational tasks. Put simply this looks like, sitting beside someone helping them learn to use a computer or updating and implementing formalised systems to bring your business up to best practice standard.

Kerrie also has the capacity and knowledge to formally map Certificate training against the Australian Qualifications Framework. She has delivered Cert training in business, retail, administration, and conservation/land management.


If you have been audited or are planning on being audited, Kerrie has the know-how to help get your business up to speed. This might mean implementing formalised processes, writing policies and procedures, creating documentation to support business activities, or creating administrative or operational procedures to support new business ventures.

Through her affiliation with Chew’s Place Consulting, Kerrie has the resources to access a great array of expertise. If you have a new business idea and aren’t sure where to even start to get set up, Kerrie can help. She provides a practical no-nonsense breakdown of establishing a business and judging its viability. Her logical brain is one part, but her creative brain is also a fantastic resource for branding, creating online content, and establishing the image for your business. Kerrie can also help with the basics like Business Plan templates.


Kerrie can help with the grass roots creativity to get your brand up and running. She can create the ideas for your logo that your graphic designer will turn into a digital image. We can get the design that expresses who you truly are, so you are ready to go when you meet with your website designer. GSG can also help with writing online content for websites and social media.

If you need a transcript for your videos or podcasts we can do that too. If you are a radio broadcaster or website designer and need someone to provide a transcript just get in touch.

Land Management

Aside from business and training, Kerrie is able to use her environmental knowledge in unique ways. If you are a business or someone who wants to create formalised land management plans, Kerrie can help. She has experience designing and implementing species monitoring, revegetation projects, fire and weed management programs and rehabilitation strategies. Planning for land rehabilitation is a long-term process and formalising the plans with documentation assists not only in getting the best possible outcomes but is imperative if seeking financial or partnered assistance.

Contact Kerrie to talk projects and fees for Solutions Services.

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